Saturday, August 29, 2009

Day'S in my life

It's been one and a half month, i'm really started to enjoying it. I figured out, this is my life now. There's no way i'm going back there. But, you know, it's always hard the first time. I need time to adjust with everything here. It's just so different. Lots of differences. The language, the teacher, the people... everything. Haha. Got a lot of new friends here, though. But, you know what, we can't never really leave our past, right?

Oh, well, hey, i'm starting a new story with my friend and i gotta tell you, she's real great. We just popped out with this idea one day because of one thing my teacher said about this thing ( i'm not gonna tell you!) and we just decided to make it into a story. Simple, huh? Making it into a story is far more complicated. It's a totally different story. See? I'm enjoying my life. But, meanwhile, my OWN story are stuck somewhere in my complicated-full-of-unimportant-things brain. Haven't find any way out. Need more time, i think. Wkwkwkwk.
Allright. It's my story for today. And maybe for he next few days as weel, in case i have no time to'post anything. Well, stay tuned to my un-interesting not so happily-ever-after life. Next time, dude.

Monday, August 17, 2009


I lied about a lot of things, hundreds of thing. Schoolwork, low score, friends, things... But there are only a few things that i can never lied about. Money and about my self. I like having a lot of money, doesn't make me lied to get more of it. I'd better take it in front of my mom than sneak into her bedroom and take some. The same thing about my self. I can never lied about who i am. I didn't tell all of it, but that doesn't made me a liar. I've never lied about when i felt sick or didn't feel well. I've never faked any sickness just to not go to school, no matter what will happened at school that day. Because i think now or then, the same thing will happened at last, just a matter of time and i think that faster is better.

I lied about a lot of things, not big things, small things but those 2 are some of a few things a won't lie about....

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Well, hello there! Guess i'm back, eh? After a very long and tiring week, finally, tomorrow is Friday. Monday is independence day, Tuesday is a day off, so for the next 4 days, I'M FREE!! And guess what? There'll be NO MATH for next week!!! What a wonderful life... Is it?

I want to tell you about A LOT of things

  • COMICS!!!
If u love comics, u should try this, no, you HAVE to try these

What's that? Figure it out urself ^_^

Or this...

You know what that is, there's already a title on the top left corner

  • Or, if you don't like to read, try these anime...

Or this one for sure...

What are those, try to figure it out urself. Believe me, it's worth it...>_< Later!!!!

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

my class

There's a LOT of things happenning lately in my new class, 10 Beethoven. Why Beethoven? Do i look like i know? Don't ask me. Well, here's the thing, there's this boy, he's my classmate and he is VERY quite. He won't even talk even when the teacher ask him. So, at english class this morning,my teacher ask him to volunteer for a short conversation, about how to reject something. My teacher act as the caller and my friend is someone she called. Here it goes...

Teacher : Okay, just say no to everything i said, okay?
Friend : (Nod)
Teacher : (Start) Morning, sir, i'm from ***** company, we have a special offer, a mug and we're going to sell it for $3...
Friend : (Quietly) No, thanks
Teacher : But, this mug is very good, it's made from fine glass and you could give it for your friend as a gift
Friend : I don't have any friend...
Teacher : (Thinking) How about your parents?
Friend : They died in a car crash.

Just for ur information, he didn't have any script, he made it by himself. So tragic, people.

Anyway, my new CA came yesterday. She's pretty nice and i love the way she teach. It's just not boring. Allright, that's it for today, maybe i'll have something else tomorrow. Catch with u later