Saturday, February 28, 2009


Kasian y, hri mnggu mesti msk. TO lg. Our teacher has gone crazy, people. Mana ngasih soal ga kira2 lg. Trus bsk msh ulgn bimbel. Ada yg ngmg mpe jm 4 bru bs plg. God! They really are crazy. What the they think we are? Einstein? Jimmy Neutron?
And i believe its just the begining, we're 40 days to UN, girls. Huh. Apa pentingnya sih, UN? Bkn susah anak sekolah aja. Kalo UAS yaudah, UAS aja. Ga usah d tmbhn UN. Udah tw d protes org, msh d lnjtn aja. Msa blajar 3 thn, 11 plajaran, yg d mskn ujian cuma 4? Ga penting bgt.
Cape sendiri mkiriny. Bsa stress tw lama-lama... Wkwkwk. Cape y, mkirin begituan. Udah ah, pusing sendiri nih...

i am...

Hi!. First, i'd like to introduce my self. My name is DIRA, i'm 14 and will be 15 next week (yang udah tau ngasi kado ya!!). I'm going to 161 junior high school, maklum kalo banyak yang nggak tau, ngga tenar-tenar amat kok. Tempatnya aja di belakang kburan, di tengah perumahan, agak naik dikit gitu deh gedungnya.... yah, pokoknya gitu deh. Nggak penting. Trus, i live in BINTARO with my family. I have 2 younger sisters who are really-really annoying but sometimes, they're can be so sweet (hope they would never read this >_<).
Reading and writing is my passion. I can't live with books. Call me geeks, but i just used to love books since i was just 7. Especially novel. And i LOVE to write because i read lots of books. Karena dari TK udah di kasih buku yang kebanyakan isinya tulisan semua, jadinya gw lebih suka nulis cerita di banding di suruh gambar. Semua cerita gw masih dalam proses, do'ain aja biar cepet jadi. I just want to see my books on the shelf in a bookstore.
Gw biasanya gak peduli apa komentar buruk orang tentang gw. I just close my ears for those kind of things and didn't take it seriously, jadi terserah aja apa kata orang. Gw juga bulkan tipe orang yang jago bersikap dramatis kayak nangis depan orang, teriak teriak begitu dengr sesuatu yang menyenangkan ato ngucapin kata-kata sweet ke orang lain, jadi maklum aja ya. I'm a quiet person. One kind that wouldn't say 'i love you' or 'i miss you'. I'm that kind of girl.

Enough about me and i think that's it for today. It's the first time i write in my blog. Hope nobody will read it. See you around...