Thursday, July 23, 2009

and here we go

Yay! It's already Friday tomorrow. Everybody's favorite day. Especially when i have no homework for tomorrow. My teachers want us to buy a lab coat. Of course i haven't buy one. When did i ever do something as soon as i told to? Almost never, right. I was just thinking, it's just so easy to separate people but takes a lifetime to make 'em see each others again. Okay, i'm to overrated. Maybe not a lifetime, but just say that it's hard, okay? At least i think so. It's proven. When you want a divorce, just tell your mate and go to the government office or whatever that took care of those thing. Then try to get them back together again. Good luck with that. Okay, i was just wondering. No need to take it seriously.
I really want to borrow the books in my school library. Gosh, they were amazing. It's just seems like that every book i want to red was just there. I can wait for my student card. Hehehe. They have Artemis Fowl, Inkheart series, Roald Dahl's, etc, etc. For a geek like me, that place is heaven...

I think that's it for now. Wait 'till tomorrow fr another story. 'Night!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

a new year has just begun...

Oiii...!!! Let me count for a sec, how long it has been since my latest post...? A month....? Yeah i think so... So, i'm in high school now. God, it feels amazing!. I really starting to enjoy my days. My first day was ALMOST going bad. Since i'm the only one from my Mid School, so, i'm just like alone for awhile, until somebody introduce themselves to me. Then it's started to going pretty well. Most of my teacher comin' from Philipine. So, it seems like they can't speak Indonesian. But, overall, they're okay. My CA names is Ms Mina but she's not here right now. She'll be here on 27 July so there's another teacher replacing her for awhile. Well, all and all... I really love my life now. So, i guess i'm back on the road again, see u next time!!!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

3 days to senior high

Kenapa '3 days'? Bukannya besok udah masuk? Emang sih, tapi binus belom. Tanggal 15 aja masih ada pertemuan orang tua murid, jadi gw baru masuk tanggal 16. Rasanya macem2 deh. Dari sesat ngga ada yang masuk binus... Jadi, practically, gw sendiri... Temen esde sih ada... tapi sebagian besar cowo. Hari pertama masuk gw naik jemputan, yang lagi2, isinya cowok semua. Wish me luck, yah. Dari seminggu yang lalu, gw udah ngebayangin, 'first day at senior high' gw gimana ya?? Berapa orang yang bisa gw tahu namanya dan kenal dalam satu hari itu?? Yang mikir kayak gini gw doang, ato semuanya ngerasa kayak gitu?? Banyak ya, pertanyaan gw. Sebagian besar nggak bisa gw jawab sebelum tanggal 16. Sebagian besar temen gw masuk 47, 70, 6. Kayaknya gw sendiri yang nyasar ampe binus. Tau gitu gw gak usah masuk sesat deh. Cape2 masuk smp negri, baliknya ke swasta international lagi... Oke, think positive aja. Gw pasti dapet temen. Well, let's see...

Oh ya, gw udah telat beberapa minggu sih, tapi kira2 seminggu ini di tivi lagi ribut mninggalnya michael jackson. Tau gak, setelah dia meninggal, albumnya sold out semua. Lagu2nya naik ke chart nomor 1. Orang2 pada menyayangkan, dia terlalu cepet perginya. Banyak yang baru sadar, kalo ternyata, michael jackson secara nggak langsung menyampaikan banyak pesan yang berharga lewat lagu2nya. Padahal tahun2 terakhir ini, dia digosipin macem2. Ada gosip yang bilang dia pedophile, ada yang caci maki dia gara2 plastic surgery-nya, gara2 kulitnya yang dibikin putih...

Ada satu hal yang gw dapet dari itu, ternyata bener kata orang2, semua kebaikan seseorang baru akan terasa kalo orang itu udah nggak ada. Kita baru ngerasa kalo kita sebenernya butuh orang itu, waktu orang itu nggak ada. Ironis yah...