Saturday, March 07, 2009

i'm counting

let's see... it's 3 days to my birthday!!! wooohoooo!!!
hehehe. i wonder what will happen...
okay, let's forget about that for a sec. let's talking about something else.
dari kemaren terus kemarenya lagi terus kemarennya lagi, gw jadi sering mikir deh, why my life was so boring? Nggak ada sesuatu yang bikin gw excited. It's just always been the same everyday. Wake up in the morning, go to school, bimbel, test, course, go home, watch tv, study and sleep. It's just like that...
Terus maunya kayak gimana, dong? Nggak tahu juga sih. Tapi pengennya ada sesuatu yang bikin gw gak bosen aja. Do you have any idea how many times i've been imagining about terorist take all student in my school as a hostage or there was another world beside us, a world we can't see and someday, i'll go there. Gosh!! It's useless!!!
It'll only make me get deeper and deeper in my imagination. Drag me away from the reality, from my life...
Huh. I don't care!!!!

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